High Court of Delhi

Technology and the Civil Procedure Code (I of II)

By |2024-12-27T15:26:59+05:30February 18th, 2020|Access to Justice, Civil Procedure, High Court of Delhi|

This article was originally posted on TechLawForum@NALSAR. The same can be accessed here.  In a two-part article, Ankush Rai elaborates on the interaction between the Civil Procedure Code and technology.  This part gives a short introduction and a skeleton of the piece. It also locates the reason for integrating technology with the Civil Procedure Code and [...]

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Extradition Litigation | Dayan Krishnan

By |2024-12-27T15:27:00+05:30April 14th, 2017|Criminal Law, Guest Speaker Series, High Court of Delhi, Senior Designation|

Editor's Note: Extradition as Mr Krishnan explains is an intersection of the law, politics and foreign relations. It is hence of extreme importance for India, which has been rapidly approaching the global centre stage, to ensure that it extradition laws are both in conjunction with international standards, as well as watertight, The fact the Abu [...]

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