Justice Ruma Pal

About Justice Ruma Pal

Mrs. Justice Ruma Pal holds a B.C.L. degree from Oxford University. She started her practice in 1968 in Civil, Revenue, Labour and Constitutional matters in the Calcutta High Court. She was appointed as a Judge in the Calcutta High Court on 06-08-1990. She was elevated as a Judge of the Supreme Court of India on day of Golden Jubilee of Supreme Court of India - January 28, 2000. She retired from judgeship on 03-06-2006.

Expectations of the Bench from Young Advocates

By |2024-12-27T15:26:59+05:30September 18th, 2018|Judicial Ethics, Professional Ethics, Success in Litigation, Supreme Court of India, Tricks of the Trade, Young Lawyers|

In this interesting article, Justice Ruma Pal, a former judge of the Supreme Court of India, offers an insider's perspective on tricks of courtroom lawyering. She takes the readers through the necessary ingredients which make up a ‘legally successful lawyer’ as distinguishable from a ‘successful lawyer’. The didactic article is addressed to young lawyers in a [...]

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